DOMODECO - Edition Paris - Déco, Design, Archi - N°104

DOMODECO - Edition Paris

Déco, Design, Archi - N°104

Published on 17/03/2022

In this 104th issue of DOMODECO: 

Special focus on the PAD by Elen Pouhaër, and illustrated by Valentin Loellmann's elegant "copper" sofa.

Thanks to Anne-France Mayne as well, for her reviews on the interiors by architect Sophie Dries sublimating our  the "Spring/Summer" set by Valentin Loellmann, and the one by Giroudroux & Delpy,

  featuring the "Mini Nida" by Vincent Poujardieu and "Mer Noire" by Damien Gernay, both carefully selected by the averted eye of David Cibert.